Developing Self Awareness For Mission

Join us for a Session cum Internship by the International Internship University (IIU) on 16th & 17th October at 7 PM IST. 

Topic: Developing Self Awareness For Mission

Resource Person: Academician Snr. Prof. Chap General Ebhoria U. Charles(Ph.D)

Country: Nigeria 🇳🇬 

This session is a golden opportunity for  educators, researchers, parents, students & everyone. 

Academician Snr. Prof. Chap General Ebhoria U. Charles(Ph.D) is the 
Vice-Chancellor of the
International Internship University. He is the IIU-Africa Head & Country Director of IIU- Nigeria 🇳🇬.

Making commitments and following through on them builds trust in our integrity. It is essential to be mindful of the promises we make and be realistic about our ability to deliver. Consistency is key here; when our actions consistently match our words, we reinforce our credibility.

Get ready to enrich your teaching-learning skills and broaden your horizons. 

Academics Global 
International Internship University

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